28 april 2009


also es war wohl ein erfreulicher traum
ich kann nicht mehr genau errinnern was passiert, ist ich weiß nur das ich zwei klein tieren helfen musste aus einem regen zu entkommen und sich dann auch noch ein drittes zeigte und diese maeuse oder voegel haben sogar verstanden das ich ihnen helfen wolte und schluepften inden bereit gestellten behaelter der ine alte tabak pakung an einem stack war und entkamen so der gefahr und ich fuehlte mich wie ein held
und ging zurueck zu meiner gruppe de wohl meine familie war ..

und dann habe ich doch ta saechlich mit jemanden gesprochen der immer seine traueme aufschreibt ...

aber lesen wollter er mich nicht lssen

na kann ich verstehen

26 april 2009

27.4.at night

I woke up at night and had a terrible night mare I can´t remember what it was aboout

I remember it was a lot of stress I had to run there was a girl too

I t felt a bit like shopping

it was green and blue I was happy when I woke up ill guess but I was to exhousted to write more down
this note must be enough
what ever I cant even tell if I am hungry hugs to you all

22 april 2009

after hangover from ruby tuesday

hello here we are again, see what happened
so I was at the dentist to get this lack to coat and strengthen my acing teeth
yesterday I was at this party and drank beer again so I had há hang overtoday and slept again after i came back from the dentist
and I feel asleep
I thought I was awake again but wasn´t I was going throu my room and it looked pink not that everythink was pink in the room it was the same coulors as always but it was like six or seven items were popping out that all shared the colour pink so I got the imprssion of a pink room
so I lay an bed and feel the warms the open window here the musik from marcels room think its too loud try to read fallla sleep wake up because the door bell rings and marcel tells me and shows me a visitor. It is a little boy I remember him some how he was at my cousins and was her friend or she was was his big brother or nice uncle

I try to get up out of bed but somebody I thnk it is marcel and maybe somebody else is putting a finger that placed on a broom stick on my back were it hurts I try to fight it but it does not help the pain gets intense I try to grap it from my back but can´t they all just watch me then its over

well I am not sure he is maybe nine or ten years old has brown hair and blue eyes and comes to my room I am still sleepy but I remember him
he says "do you remember we got indtroduced when my parents got divorced "
I say "yes, I do remember, how are you whats up? whats going on ? haven´t we met through my cousin ? " and he says yes and ask him "how did you find me and why are you here ?"

I try to get up out of bed but somebody I thnk it is marcel and maybe somebody else is putting a finger that placed on a broom stick on my back were it hurts I try to fight it but it does not help the pain gets intense I try to grap it from my back but can´t they all just watch me then its over

so go to the kitchen and want to make tea. I realize that the kitchen changed and the wals are clean there is a new green field on the wall obove the shelf and some pink blinking lights are there too everything looks very modern I am impressed
I go back to my room the hallway is bigger its mor comfortable and light is shining in
the boy came with two girls or better young woman, the seem like nannys or servants of the boy
they are not in my room they went with marcel to the room of cynth but it is not her room its a huge hall a shiny floor a big table a cupbord and a desk
on the floor is a big plan it looks like a game maybe it is a game but its not ready the girls are working on it the but thinks from the cupboard on the fields of the game arange thinks make notes on the desk
marcel sits at the big table ther are papers lying ina stack and ther is a montion and and a key board he looking at some things at you toube or something the boy watches him
the boy is wearing no shirt only trouthers he says hello and smiles turns round to look at the monitor and marcel and I see his back his skin is so pale like rice paper I can see through it and se his organgans veins and things moving like in a masine that is working he is totally calm but inside him the things are moving I see pictures that remind me of a tarot card apearing under his body were his shoulder is its to much to realize
the room could be in sancuci it looks like
somebody is ringing the door bell again ´I go for it
the cable is yellow and looks not so save as I put up the rciver I hope not to get elektrocuted I cant here woh is talking to me I sems the conection it onr okay strange sounds outside they are something building I open the door and I see they are renovating the sait way its not fished jet still in the middle but I see barrock figurines standing next to the stairs
I wake up and I am back in my room I am not tired anymore

14 april 2009


so this time I was on a nice summer meadow with wild flowers big gras warm sunshine and aa few bugs I was sitting on a table with an old laady that had a staw head and wss working on some poems and song texts
I said down and had a paper in front of me with one of her texts and I as I started to work on it as I wanted to get up to get an other dictonary

I woke up back in berlinin my sweatty bed
hearind a man cring outside like a demon trying to kill the silence of the night
and then some sounds I cant describe like someone kicked into cars or just noise
I wonder why I had to wake up it


hmmm I am scared maybe I really shoould leave but will I be save I ve heared this nam befor He must be crazy now I hear the kids comming home ...
.. .
i go back to bed good night

13 april 2009

yoga kid

I was in an empy old building like a boumarkt spors hall or something
big beton walls glass roof nothing else so much
it was able to get access from two sides and it was symetrical so you could easyliy get into the wrong entry on the one hand hand ther were the techno JÜNGEr
LOOKING LIKE FREAKS from neon adias planet and on the other side ther were the normal bums
and between the buildings there was a schopping passage with quite well cared shops and fountains and things like that
in one shop I found a boyy I think he knew me but I forgot him I thought he wa smukunda and I called him that name
he was working there selling the produkts like soap herds medecine and cleaning stuff for a healthy lifestile

he was like a friend of mine and showed me araound I was waiting for him till they all closed and he was telling me interesting stuff I all forget

he had quite alife in the mall and knew where to get what
at the techno people ther was this kid maybe 18 strong as a bull and two heads bigger than me
pulling me at the side as if he knew me looking llike a hip hopper bith wig jacked baggy pants gold chain working boots backpack
so strong he did not even realize that he almost broke me when he was pulling me at a side
H e said we know but I forget him and could noremember and knew that its maybe from the time I am partying and waas away from my mind and body or I just could not remember
because he had grown so much since I last saw him
he could have been an older mukunda or daniel
but I just wanted to get away from there because I knew he was too strong for me and I dont know

no dreams for me today to bed

yesterday I was in neukoeln in a park in berlin and it was laprimavera
it was an openair elktro musik event and all the people were having fun
I was going with a guyI got to know from the internet and it was nice but we both were into the bounds that we were in before so we could not really concentrate or get closer but for some time it was possible

I liked the sunshine and all the beautiful people
the musik was fine too but I wasn´t really dancing I was still sick from my sinusitis
and its not good to stay so long in the cold
hmm so I went back I met some of my berlin friends
and thats cool
I got a mozarella sandwitch for free and ate it all alone watching the sun set
an the way home I met an old er friend who looked quite skinny to me I was happy to see him again but he didn´t lokked to well in that moment to me
but I could not help it
boought an other pizza on my way home and said in front of the computer for a while and then went

12 april 2009

vor ca zwei tagen b es seine freundin war weiß ich nicht

also ich war wieder zu hause bei meinem vaters haus also auf jeden fall war das das set es war die zeit als ich noch ein kind war und noch nicht ueber all begaut wurde und es noch viele zu gaenge in die waelder gab
na ja das haus schraeg geen ueber gab es schon und dort versteckte sich jan in einem art schuetzen gragen und machte ein komisches gesicht
er lachte oder laechelte aber hat so weit ich mich errinere nchts gesagt
nur gesichter gemacht und wir haben etwas mit einandr gespielt jeder auf seiner strassen seite kein gewoehliches spiel mehr so eine art possen reißen
er hat mehr vorgewacht und ich bin auch mehr hin ter her gelaufen
aber so wars

die sonne hat diie ganze zeit geschienen und es war sehr hell keine wolken und es waren auch keine wolken und keine anderen menschen indem traum zu gegen bis auf das mal wo ich mich im wohnzimmer befand in dem spiegel ein neues sehr fienes symetrischens gesicht sah so fien und gerade das man nicht sagen konnte ist es ein maedchen oder ein junge mit blonden haaren und schmal
es war nuer ueber pojeziert ueber das gesicht und veraendete sich spaeter zu meinem und ich konnte mich wieder normal im spiegel beobachten es war mehr wie ein vision oder so
als es vorbei war kan jan durch den garten und hatte die person zu der das gesicht gehoerte dabei o

09 april 2009


^vorgestern als ich kraqnk danieder im fieber lag habe ich doch tatsaechlich von einem besuch bei der armee getrauemt und zwei frAUEN AUS MEINER VERGANGEN schulzeit wieder gesehen
und saß da also mit den soldaten auf der stube und luemmelte so meine zeit ab und war froh mich an einen warmen ruecken anschmiegen zu koennen und nette musik zu hoeren
die musik war wirklich gut die der soldat da in seiner playliste hatte und auch unglaublich praktisch wie er den monitor so unter der decke instaliert hatte daas er bequem vom bett aus ligend zu sehen konnte was gerade gespielt wird

uber die frauen kann ich nicht viel sagen ausser das ich denke das sie frueher entweder konkurentinen waren oder verfeindet und jetzt saßen sie bei den gleichen soldaten auf der stube sah so aus als gehoerten sie dazu
zumindest die blonde sah ungluecklich aus wie immer und die bruenette war wohl eine bessere luegnerin und machte gute miene
hmmm vieleicht hab ich schon zu viel gesehn
aber es war eine großes flugzeug dort riesig groß und alle waren stolz drauf ich kamm mir vor wie ein besucher aus der vergangenheit in einer verregneten verschmierten zukunft alles roch nach staub und benzin arbeitend an dem großen plan den keiner versteht aber jeder gern sein teil beitraegt damit auch jeder und jede ihr stueck brot abbekommt vom großen kuchen
nicht allen schien es gut und richtig und die zwei jungs die eigntlich zwillinge sind konnte ich mich gart nicht richtig errinern und dacht nur der eine ist ja viel groesser als der andere ... na ja zwei nette jungs haben gelaechelt und sahen sauber und gesund aus

geh jetzt mal in die kueche und versuch zu schtreichen



07 april 2009

today I am sick

I t sucks my nose and throat is full of slime I am feeling every bone dont know why this is so bad
dont know witch doctor to go to I am hungry and want to be xrayed

what to go to the bank first to get money for the scheiß praxis gebuehr

and I am in panik to have serious sickness

04 april 2009


what a waste of glitter
okay today I was wanking and it was just to early for my day to start it was all nice and I had a beautifulday and I liked it a lot

okay I got up and a friend came over and asked me to have breakfast with him so I stayed away from yoga class and filled my stomach with good food

aand went to the late class during the brunch we got invited to take part on a historian tour throu the distrikt we live in ...and got to know the places a bit better
... thats c ool and had a pice of cake and then yoga clas got home relaxed and ate with the wg had some conversation about the good old times now I think about going to bed or hang out with the party people hmm what can I do

I never understand what they want or what i can do or what I want I am just hanging out not knowing what to do

I wish I could cry but I cant go to these depth of my soul now I am pretty high and if I had a partner I would go to bed with him and maybe play a little bit
but it makes no sense for me to have sex between the dors anymore or does it ? well what do I know
I could go to the park and do it or at night well I want to clean up my mess and then go crazy again
there are always partys and I am sure no one wil miss me why should I put more input in my head that I can not work with just to be full aund dull
no thaks I have to digest
and I will shit tomorrow !

01 april 2009

rds - reizdarm syndrom

ach was soll ich sagen ich verdaue alles sehr schnell haette gern jemanden mit dem ich verdauen kann

ach nein die verabredung zum dinner hat abgesagt und jetzt sitze ich hier und hoer mir geschichten ueber wolfe an und

weiß auch nicht soll ich jetzt um acht uhr hin gehen oder es sein lassen
hmm alles nicht so einfach dieser tage vielleicht ruh ich mich einfach aus
schade das mein skype nicht funktioniert
ach warum hab ich den rechner nur runter gefahren das war der schlimmst fehler

suche ich mir doch mal einen job
oder eine ausbildung oder irgend etwas anderes

the house

okay dear reader today we had about 4 hours of sleep went to bed ad 1 and and woke up at 5 someting drank some water and went to bed again two hours of dreaming...

so so first chapter I was between some old town houses and looking at the gardens that could use some care
later i MET SOME OLDER PEOPLE how looked at the houses to find one for one of the women and her granny ... it apears that this woman was the mom . of a good friend n. and we said down in front of one of the house that were supposed to be hers and he tried to explain her that she got the good life now ! but it was hard for her to realize what was going on ...
second chapter I am near a big house on a green field with a big garden and some fruit trees near the city next to it some place for displaced persons all raggy and run down the house is spray painted all over with pictures and coulors and looks great, like from a victorian age lots of chimmneys entrys windows small and big put together like little boxes high and low some trash around it
third chapter inside the house with my mom niko, tias karl forkel and crispin ...
so strange everything was still there and even wore as if a messy lived in it and brought all the trash he could found inside but there are still three kitchens and a bakery with ovens forms and all the material for baking big and beautiful from a magical time where things just worked with good work and not elektronic controlled interfaces
so what we cleaned up a little bit and I showed them around and everybody found somethingto do in the big room ther was still a christmas tree althoug everything was covered with dust dirt and old paper it looked so beautiful
I showed them round and explained the rooms and the stuff that was there

then I woke up and went to yoga ...