13 april 2009

yoga kid

I was in an empy old building like a boumarkt spors hall or something
big beton walls glass roof nothing else so much
it was able to get access from two sides and it was symetrical so you could easyliy get into the wrong entry on the one hand hand ther were the techno JÜNGEr
LOOKING LIKE FREAKS from neon adias planet and on the other side ther were the normal bums
and between the buildings there was a schopping passage with quite well cared shops and fountains and things like that
in one shop I found a boyy I think he knew me but I forgot him I thought he wa smukunda and I called him that name
he was working there selling the produkts like soap herds medecine and cleaning stuff for a healthy lifestile

he was like a friend of mine and showed me araound I was waiting for him till they all closed and he was telling me interesting stuff I all forget

he had quite alife in the mall and knew where to get what
at the techno people ther was this kid maybe 18 strong as a bull and two heads bigger than me
pulling me at the side as if he knew me looking llike a hip hopper bith wig jacked baggy pants gold chain working boots backpack
so strong he did not even realize that he almost broke me when he was pulling me at a side
H e said we know but I forget him and could noremember and knew that its maybe from the time I am partying and waas away from my mind and body or I just could not remember
because he had grown so much since I last saw him
he could have been an older mukunda or daniel
but I just wanted to get away from there because I knew he was too strong for me and I dont know