der rreader
first it seemt like a smal town somewere in old england or scotland or ireland maybe it just was a indusrial town somewerelooked dirty and the people dirty driving in cars
it was warm and came wwith my furniture and had it all nexet to the street in front of the house waiting there so I was living outside like in a room of glass but no walls and the passants could see everything I was doing if i lay in bed work at the desk read in the chair or just watch out to the street
nobody ever really cared the all were busy with their own lifes or carring their groceries home
only one time I was sitting relaxed in the chair playing with my dick fantasiesing about men a motor bike rider looked at me and drove backwards to get a closer look what I was doing I stopped and he left as I continued the same situation only the motor cicle ws a kind of these four weels beachbuugies or trike or what ever its called but had an extra weel so the driver could stand if he likes it was a very facinating mashine he drove by saw me came back drowe up the EINFART and asked me if he could help me with the issue betwen my legs but I said now rhanks not now and he was not even up sed or anything he just drove along back ond the street i was watching
I was away in diffrent land I took most of my heavy treasurs with me
and also a lot of crab because its still a part of me
i was wizh my mom she helped me carrying all the stuff
be had to stop at eeral places like hotels and friends
before we arrived in aa house modern and luxirious with a warm climate right next to a dschungle and a pool to swim we got the small guest room and it was full with my chaotic things
the owner of the house was a old man very bitter and alone he seemt to be a grafic designer from his education as he told me but in his life be bacame a inventer
he still had this special tool and boards for drawing and monitars and primitve computers he had fitness training things and a garden that seemt to be always in fog and air full of humidity
he wasnt alone living there he had at least six doughters rhat all could have been super models it was strange this old man with strange skin like he had a disease that made it very dry and the girls that looked not even simmilar but were the best friends sisters
they all very very special and had thier own looks and peace of mind they all were intelligent had selfesteem but although they were a bit strange maybe because they were so special like angels or isolated
they played with the tools made food cared about me showed me around talked and were perfect hosts
I TOLD THEM i AM AN ART STUDENT it impressed them alot of course they were educated in the fine arts but they were sensebel enough not to led my feel dumm couse my leck of knowledge about it and the issue I placed on my shield
I felt like a child beeing with grown ups that treated me like a patient form the institute...
they showed me the instruments draw a picture for me went swimming with me and made food
I new I had to leave very soon did not even had the time to pack my things they asked me for paper and pencils to share with them so they could draw I gave them wht I had and my old water colour and some of the brushes some I took with me
and the heavy books I never read
as we left the house I woke up ...