06 augustus 2009

id like to have a weapon sometimes but I am glad I dont

Oka y

led me tell you about people ülaying ball I n front of my window at 1.30 at night I went out on the balkony and tell them to shut the fuck off

what else should I do
its not that i dont like them all these sceaming is just getting on my nerves for some time
and not only that last month we did not had hot water and the rent was not in the account and I have to find out where it is
my skin is breaking out like I am a 15 years old it hurt like my back I have night mares the assi amt is paying nothing but making me problems
tomorrow I get the results of my test I f I have siphilliys or some other std I wrote this guy an gr a mail about my problems and got no answer what ever I should have rWritten it her like the night mare I had recently when the aa told me they want the money back but I dont have 1700 € and I need their service soon again
now I dont have any money for a vacation
the jobs I have are okay but not really nice I feel a bit stupid doing it and sometimes I think if they would leave me alone I would do bette r
I got the computer back and now I find its so big since I jused the little one
have get in contact with the family again
its all a bit stupid in my life I havent found a therapist near by some were too busy some dont answer some only take privat versichert
I just need to find somebody to talk about my problems that is not chatting behind my back
I dont want to ask my friends for help because I like to have fun with them

well we will figure something out
the yoear is not over jet
